Today, we are immersed in a physical and digital..

Today, we are immersed in a physical and digital..
Today, we are immersed in a physical and digital environment of photographic advertisements, illustrated signage, and streaming video. But in the age before our modern visual landscape, the presence of even a single piece of imagery could have a dramatic impact. In the 19th century, businesses often turned to job printers to supply the imagery they needed. Trade cuts, like those shown here, were the stock illustrations of their day. Job printers like Bowne & Co. purchased these illustrations ready-made in order to enliven printed pieces. The working collection of 19th-century trade cuts at Bowne & Co. covers a breadth of subjects that tell the commercial story of the seaport district. There are anchors, square-riggers, and fish, to be sure—but also images of livestock, cast-iron stoves, tins of tea and coffee, and all manner of industrial goods. Come learn more about the fascinating history of printing and graphic art history of South Street at Bowne & Co. Printing Office and Gallery, at 207 Water Street. The gallery is open Wednesday-Sunday 11am-5pm as part of the Museum’s admission offering.
Today, we are immersed in a physical and digital..
South Street Seaport Museum | Where New York Begins